7M pixel for samsung ....

The Korean Samsung have just released in Korea its new photo cell. This is an innovation and a cell which seems unnecessary in practice. It is equipped with a sensor 7M pixel and can be an mp3 player. It includes 256megs of memory, which is very little in my view for photos 7 million pixels. It is available at a price of 990,000 won to be U.S. $ 960.

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1 comments for "7M pixel for samsung ...."

  • alex 116 Reply

    J'ai t?l?phoner ? telus pour me pleindre que mon Touch, n'avais pas de WIFI et que je voulais quanceller mon contrat puisque Rogers as le meme appareille avec le WIFI. Il's m'ont donn? un forfait d'internet illimiter pour 15$/mois.

    2007-11-29 12:46:05

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