telus launches $30 6GB data plan exclusively in Quebec, available until July 31st

Likely in response to Videotron and Virgin's(Quebec-only) recent introduction of their $30/6GB data package, telus has gone ahead re-introduced their own 6GB promo add-on for Quebec customers. It's unfortunate that the rest of Canada can't benefit from this recent competition, but it's still great to see carriers working to win customers over in some markets at least.

The 6GB add-on from telus is available for all device types, including iPhones, and will work for both 4G and CDMA handsets. It is available to new, existing, and renewing customers, and overage charges come in at the standard 5 cents/MB. The package is being offered on a promotional basis only, and will no longer be available after July 31st, so be sure to contact telus if you're interested in adding it to your line.


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