This is the first time telus has presented the annual award, which will
provide $50,000 each year in performance bonuses to National Team and other athletes entered by the CSF into major competitions.
"telus has a long-term commitment with the CSF to ensure the ongoing development and future success of young boarders across the country," said Steve Podborski, executive director of telus Sport Marketing. "telus is proud to give our Canadian athletes a boost, and we're happy these cash awards will help our country's elite snowboard athletes focus on winning rather than fundraising as they continue driving for the podium."
Athletes receiving awards include Maelle Ricker of North Vancouver; Jasey-Jay Anderson, Mont Tremblant, QC; Drew Neilson, North Vancouver, B.C.; Rob Fagan, Cranbrook, B.C.; Tom Velisek, Squamish, B.C.; Dominique Maltais, Montreal, QC.; Derek Wintermans, Vancouver, B.C.; Mike Robertson, Canmore, AB; Ryan Hickey, North Bay, ON; Matt Morison, Burketon, ON; Brad Martin, Ancaster, ON; Jeff Batchelor, Oakville, ON; Crispin Lipscomb, Whistler, B.C.; Sarah Conrad, Halifax, NS; Neil Connolly, Whistler, B.C.; Ryan Rausch, Vancouver, B.C.
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6 comments for "telus help Canadian snowboard Athletes"
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