Review : HTC S640 of telus

The HTC S640 of telus is a still quite old, but still offers several options very interesting. He has a Wi-Fi which makes it still interesting because it is the cheapest Smartphone sold at telus now. Done in one piece unlike HTC s720 it did not break as easily and as it is not his touch screen is also very strong.

Read the review after the link...

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3 comments for "Review : HTC S640 of telus"

  • greg Reply

    very nice device and review...

    2008-08-01 05:30:58
    HtcFan Reply

    i buy this device:))

    2008-08-01 20:11:37
    alan hardwick Reply

    the HTC s 640 is one of the better phones, i started with the HTC s720 but not reliable, so i exchanged for the HTC S640. i love this phone. no issue like the other phones. now after the upgrade made everything better and faster then before. i would never echange this phone it's everything i need without disapointment. thanks HTC, u rock!

    2008-11-04 08:04:24

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