We've been keeping you up-to-date on Rogers new discount brand Chatr, and recently let you know the July 21st launch was delayed until further notice. Thanks to various leaks, we now know the brand is set to launch on July 28th, and that Rogers has cleverly named Chatr in-store reps "Chatalysts". In addition to the rescheduling of the brand launch, we also know Mobilicity has threatened Rogers with legal action should they follow through with the launch as planned, sending a letter to formally warn the company. A few weeks back, chairman of Mobilicity John Bitove claimed Rogers should not be allowed to launch because of the "Abuse of Dominant Position" in the Competition Act, where it states "use of fighting brands selectively on a temporary basis to discipline or eliminate a competitor" is prohibited.
We'll be sure to let you know once more information is available regarding the launch and Rogers' response to the warnings given by Mobilicity as soon as they're available.

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