Future Shop Launches GPS Snitch in Canada

Future Shop has announced a new products sale in Future Shop store. The Backline GPS inc now in sale their products in Future Shop store and online store.

"Future Shop is excited to bring the innovative GPS Snitch to our customers to help them easily track and protect their vehicles," said Martin Caines, Director of Mobile Audio Merchandising, Future Shop. "As of April 18, customers will have access to the new GPS Snitch in any Future Shop's 131 stores across Canada or online store at futureshop.ca."

"We are very proud to partner with Future Shop," said Paul-Andre Savoie, CEO of Guardian. Further adding, "Many customers have multiple vehicles and GPS Snitch's portability allows them to protect the vehicle they're drivingany given day. This key differentiator is one of the aspects of GPS Snitch that attracted our interest in BlackLine's solution."


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