There have been a number of rumours surfacing online regarding RIM developing a tablet device, including everything from screen size (7", 8.9"), to piggy backing for cellular data connectivity. According to the latest rumour, Research In Motion will unveil the new device next week at DevCon 2010 in the U.S., announcing features, specifications, and hopefully a release date. So far, the general consensus seems to be that the device will have a 7" touch screen, along with bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, though it will rely on the user's BlackBerry device for cellular data use. Names that have been tossed around for the rumoured device include "BlackPad" and "SurfBook", but pre-release model names often change upon launch, as should be the case with this one.

Probably the most discussed rumour is that the device won't be running an existing BlackBerry OS, but rather something entirely new and developed with help from QNX, a major OS maker that has experience in everything from vehicle software, to Nuclear Reactors. If RIM does launch a tablet powered by QNX software, we can be assured that it will not-only be stable and reliable, but more than likely a smooth and consistent experience as well.

Do you think RIM will announce their tablet next week? We'll be keeping up with live coverage, so stayed tuned for more details next week!


mobile canada wireless tablet rim research in motion blackberry blackpad surfbook devcon 2010 usa launch release rumour speculation touch screen wifi bluetooth cellular tether q

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