After many rumors and leaks claiming the BlackBerry Torch would be delayed, we've finally received confirmation on when users can expect the new device to be available. The Torch will be officially available from both carriers on September 30th, nearly a week after the originally announced launch date. Rogers is still set to carry the device for $199.99 on a 3 year term, though Bell has reduced their price by $20 to $179.95, a good attempt to make up for the delay. Additionally, Canadians looking to pick up the Torch 9800 from Bell can order it online beginning today, with the units expected to ship on the 29th.

While there's been no official word on why the delay is taking place, the BlackBerry community seems to agree that it's due to last-minute OS updates. It will be interesting to see what changes in the official launch OS, over the current v6.0.0.227 official OS.


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